
Last reviewed: 07/03/24

Community development means different things to different people. For example, some equate community development with neighbourhood beautification projects, whilst others will associate the term with affordable housing projects. Community developments can be all of these things, but typically require four elements:

  1. attention to the needs and desires of the people involved,
  2. control by community members,
  3. the concept of self-help,
  4. and a holistic view of community.

Current projects or initiatives

The following are projects or initiatives that the MADCA are currently either supporting, lobbying for, working collaboratively with or leading.

The Community Garden project formally begain in early 2023. Members gathered in May at the first working bee and agreed a process and approach to developing this community asset.

Community gardens offer numerous benefits to both individuals and the community as a whole. They provide a space for people to come together, build relationships, and work towards a common goal. In addition to fostering a sense of community, community gardens can also provide fresh produce that is affordable and accessible to all members of the community.

Information not provided.

In 2022 the Sunshine Coast Regional Council reported they had organised an internal workshop to develop a ‘Repair Plan’ for Mapleton because of concerns raised by the MADCA’s Streetscape sub-committee.

Improvements for accessibility and comfort will include:

  • Renewal of garden beds with suitable planting.
  • Additional street trees to enhance the streetscape and provide more shade.
  • Existing pavement to be resurfaced to rejuvenate the space.
  • Refurbishment and rearrangement of street furniture (bins, benches, tables) including a few new stools and bike racks to encourage community use of the new streetscape.

The MADCA and the community achieved this outcome by working together with the Council.

Information not provided.

The Mapleton community has long been concerned about the safety of pedestrians and drivers in the business centre of Mapleton with the speed limit of 60km/hr. The narrow Obi Obi Road and the complicated K intersection of Obi Obi Road, Post Office Road, and Flaxton Road in the Village centre posed unacceptable safety risks at a speed limit of 60km. In 2022 MADCA formalised these concerns.

To improve safety, the MADCA ran a petition requesting that the school zone with its speed limit of 40km/hr be made a permanent a 24/7 speed limit.

The petition was lodged in Parliament mid October 2022 and on the 11th November 2022, the Minister for Transport and Main Roads, Mark Baily MP responded (in part):
"I refer to petitions 3780-22 and 3826-22, lodged with the legislative Assembly by Mr Robert Skelton MP, Member for Nicklin on 12 and 13 October 2022, about the speed limit through the township of Mapleton. The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) confirms it is undertaking a formal speed limit review on the eastern end of Obi Obi Road in the township of Mapleton, towards the intersection of Nambour–Mapleton and Montville–Mapleton roads."

Subsequently, the area of the review was extended to include the section of Nambour-Mapleton Rd north of the K intersection and the section of Flaxton Drive, south of the K intersection, as per the wording of the initial petition. The Minister’s response also included the following paragraph:
"When a review of a posted speed limit is undertaken, the recommendations are tabled at a meeting of the Speed Management Committee for the committee’s deliberation and endorsement. The committee includes representatives from the local council, the Queensland Police Service and TMR. TMR will advise Mr Skelton of the outcome of this process in due course".

There will be further formalities once the review is complete. Should a change of speed limit be ratified, there will be an additional process whilst the type and positioning of signs is finalised.

Historically, the Sunshine Coast Council has coordinated a liquid waste holding tank collection service on behalf of our community. Following a review in 2022, the council decided that as of 9th July 2023, it would no longer provide this service to our community. From 9th July 2023, residents wwould be responsible for their own arrangements. The change in provision is believed to have affected around 650 properties.

The MADCA has been advocating for a better deal for our community with the pumping out of liquid waste for more than 10 years.

MADCA has written a paper exploring options to reduce the pump out costs for those properties destined to always require pump out services on the range.

For many years MADCA has run an annual Christmas event, called Light the Lights, for our community. The event was originally held at the RSL Memorial Park but in 2013 a decision was made to move to the more suitable Mapleton Lilyponds Park. If it is not raining, the venue is perfect.

Many local organizations such as the Community Library, Men’s Shed Community Gym and Rural Fire Brigade have assisted over the years. The Mapleton State School and Mapleton Kindergarten have also been heavily involved. Mapleton businesses have contributed many prizes for the ever-popular multi draw raffle.

The night is child focused and is a relaxing way for families to ease into the Christmas Season with music, entertainment and gifts for the children from Santa. Sunshine Coast Council has generously supported Light the Lights with grant funding and our local Councillor traditionally turns on the lights on the Christmas Tree.

As an outcome of the MADCA's Strategic Framework 2021-24, the MADCA created a communications sub-committee. The purpose of this committee is to coordinate and implement MADCA's advertising and public relations communications, to ensure that MADCAs communications are in line with the MADCA's and communities values, and to develop and ensure consistency of imaging and branding. The MADCA approved a new logo/wordmark in January 2023 with the tag line "Connecting community".

The sub-committee are also tasked with developing, maintaining and promoting a suite of digital services: Links to these are below:

Additionally, the sub-committee are responsible for the MADCA's monthly news bulletin, 'Community Connect'. This publication gives details about current MADCA initiatives and other projects, initiatives or topics that the MADCA believe are of particular interest and/or relevance to the community. If you wish to be added to the email mailing list for this communication please email: requesting your email be added to the mail list.

While it is not possible to predict what disasters might befall our district, the primary threats are bushfires and storm/cyclone events. The Mapleton/ Flaxton Disaster Management Group was formed as a subcommittee of the Mapleton and District Community Assoc. The group aims to provide local input through ‘eyes and ears in the area’ to the Sunshine Coast Disaster Management Team.

There are many things you can do to lessen the impacts of such events. Here is a short check list:

  • Are your insurance policies up to date?
  • Do you have a family evacuation plan?
  • What will you take if you evacuate and where will you go?
  • Do you keep all vegetation around your property trimmed to lessen potential risk?

Storm damage or fire risk?

  • Can you access water during an emergency?
  • Have you access to a battery powered radio with fresh batteries?
  • Can you find ABC Coast FM 90.3 on your radio?

The following 3 websites have excellent resources that you should check out.

PARKING IN BEAUTIFUL DOWNTOWN MAPLETON: Public parking in the centre of Mapleton has been identified as an important issue in the community. Specifically, there is a concern that insufficient parking in the village centre is detrimental to businesses and their customers.

To inform this question, surveys have been undertaken of parking availability within 200m of the K intersection (i.e. the intersection of Flaxton Dr and Obi Obi Rd). This included only parking available to the general public: for example, parking at the bowls club, the pub, etc, were not included.

Observations were conducted both on weekends and on week days, around the middle of the day, with a total of 14 surveys conducted.The results have been compiled and a report written. The next step is discussion at MADCA meetings to develop specific goals and a matching strategy.

Talking Country, Building Bridges is affiliated with the MADCA. It is not a formal part of the MADCA.

The Indigenous Voice to Parliament (The Voice) is the proposed new body of separately elected Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, perpetually enshrined in the Australian Constitution, which would "have a responsibility and right to advise the Australian Parliament and Government on national matters of significance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples". The request to create such a body arose from the 2017 Uluru Statement from the Heart.

The primary purpose of The Voice was to ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices were heard whenever the Commonwealth Parliament exercised its powers to make laws under section 51(xxvi) and section 122 of the Australian Constitution." That is, laws made specifically regarding Australian Indigenous people; or for the Northern Territory, which has a high proportion of Indigenous people.

In the 2022 Australian federal election, a Labor government was elected, with Anthony Albanese to serve as prime minister of Australia. In his victory speech, Albanese said that a referendum to decide the Indigenous Voice to Parliament would be held within his term of office. Incoming Minister for Indigenous Australians Linda Burney would be overseeing the process, and she has said that there would need to be a far-reaching public education campaign to explain the voice to the Australian public before a referendum could be held.

What has this to do with Mapleton?

The MADCA acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of this region, the Kabi Kabi peoples and Jinibara peoples. The Blackall Range and hinterland are a region of culture, knowledge diversity, natural resources and strong communities. Indeed, the area is known historically for the Bunya festivals that took place in the area around what is now the Baroon Pocket Damn. The festivals were a time when tribes would meet at the invitation of the Jinibara people in the years when the Bunya nuts were plentiful, to meet, feast on Bunya nuts, conduct tribal business and ceremonies, arrange marriages and settle disputes. The Uluru Statement from the Heart highlights the needs of First Nations peoples for voice, treaty, truth and justice. Sovereignty of these lands was never ceded.

The Sunshine Coast Regional Council is developing its position, policies and strategies in relation to the upcoming discussion. The MADCA is prepared to engage in local voice arrangements in the coming months.

Mapleton History Group (PDF document)

Past projects or initiatives

The following are projects or initiatives that the MADCA has either supported, lobbying for, worked collaboratively with or led.

The Mapleton village website was created to provide an online hub where both residents and visitors can keep keep up with local news, find out events are taking place in the area and to get information on community services.

Together with the MADCA's website, the Facebook page, is a standalone platform that offers the Mapleton online community a space to gather, communicate, and build online relationships with each other.

The Mapleton Men’s Shed is a community organisation focused on "enhancing the physical and mental well-being of its members.

The Mapleton Men’s Shed was established under the auspices of MADCA. The MADCA provided financial donations, advocacy with State and Local Government and support for the Shed to become an Incorporated Association and independent of MADCA. This process took two years with the Shed becoming an Incorporated community organisation in September 2014. MADCA continues to have strong ties with the Shed. MADCA continues to have strong ties with the Shed.

The Mapleton Men’s Shed website has a detailed history and current operations of the Shed.

After many years of lobbying by community members, and with support from the MADCA, the Mapleton off-leash dog park officially opened on Tuesday 4th October 2022. The MADCA was pleased to have played a part in such a successful project.

Hank Wade, tireless campaigner for the dog-park, and generous sharer of ‘dog-park’ updates, was the official ribbon-cutter. Whilst the current councillor David Law, saw the project’s completion, former MADCA president, Burnie Collins, recalled walking the Mapleton area with then Counsellor Greg Rogerston, to identify potential sites for the dog-park. The MADCA hosted well-attended community information evenings in conjunction with the Sunshine Coast Regional Council who hosted a feed-back section in the “Have Your Say” section on their website.

"The turning point in our push for progress was the MADCA Meet the Candidates Night… for the last Council election. So many of you from our mailing lists showed up, I think it impressed all the candidates with Mapleton’s desire for a Dog Park and they all left that meeting thinking “Right, Mapleton equals Dog Park”. David Law was elected and has enthusiastically pushed our project through Council in just on two years. The Dog lovers of Mapleton are very grateful to you Councillor David! We just can’t thank you enough”.
Hank Wade, Campaigner.

The Mapleton Lilyponds Park was chosen because the “area offers the community a good overall layout and central location to town”… “The park provides a well-located area away from other park users for locals to exercise their dog. It’s easily accessible for all our community members, with ramps and rails. It’s also in close proximity to car parking whilst being away from the main road and vehicular traffic.”
...from the Sunshine Coast council website

Once a domain for birds and birdwatchers, the lily ponds were transformed into a park for families in 2008. Following extensive community consultation, the $100,000+ renewal was brought about through council and federal funding, and work was started when the former Maroochy council was still an entity.

The top section of the pond was drained and weeds and deepened, weed removed, and the pond site deepened. A pergola was renewed, a concrete walkway was created around the lilyponds and a bridge constructed across the waterway.

In December 2008, Councillor Paul Tatton officially opened the Mapleton Lilyponds with Member for Niklin Peter Wellington, The Hon Alexander Somlyay MP and Andrew Melville, then Mapleton and District Community Association (MADCA) president.

Between 2012 and 2013, the MADCA ran an extensive and sustained campaign to 'Save the Hinterland Bus Service' after the council cut funds in 2011 and the state government said the service will stop without council funding.

The MADCA worked with Division councillor Greg Rogerson and Peter Wellington MP along with other range supporters such as Councillor Jenny McKay and Andrew Powell MP. Activities included writing letters to editors, radio interviews and running a successfull postcard petition to keep the service.

In June 2015, Deputy Premier and Transport Minister Jackie Trad's spokeswoman confirmed that the government would "step in" to see the service continue. The announcement came after it was revealed that Council would axe its funding.

The Pop Up Community News was a MADCA initiative from 2016. Following a successful 4 week pilot it became a regular publication featuring activities and events for not-for-profit organisations across the Blackall Range and surrounds.

As one of the two originators of the Pop Up Community News, MADCA has for many years provided oversight for this important initiative. However, in 2022/23 the Pop Up Community News developed new management arrangements, identity, and directions.

Because of those changes, MADCA decided to end its relationship with the PUCN in November 2023.

A survey of community needs conducted by MADCA circa 2015 identified that there was a need for playground equipment for younger preschool aged children.

MADCA joined with the Sunshine Coast Regional Council to jointly fund this project. MADCA contributed $45,000 to purchase the play equipment, while Council funded the design and construction costs.

Within the Lilyponds Park adjacent to the Bowls Club there is an installation of static fitness/exercise equipment that is available to the public for use.

In 2017 outdoor fitness/equipment was added to the Mapleton Lilyponds Park and Petrie Park in Nambour thanks to a great collaborative effort between the MADCA, council, councillor Gregson, the Gambling Community Benefit Fund, and the Nambour Rotary Club.

This equipment was funded by MADCA through a grant from the Gambling Community Benefit Fund to the tune of $35,000 to purchase the equipment while Council funded the installation.

The Old School House, also known as TOSH, is a historical icon within the Village. It was originally constructed as the residence for the school Head Teacher (now known as the Principal) in 1916 and was moved to its current site at 17 Obi Obi Rd in 1997 following community pressure. The Department of Education at that time had the building marked for demolition or removal but were persuaded to liaise with the Maroochy Shire Council so that the building could be used by the Mapleton community as a Community Centre.

Since 1987, MADCA has leased the building from the Maroochy Shire and Sunshine Coast Regional Councils on behalf of the community. During this life it has been a meeting venue, housed the art and craft gallery ‘Enigmas”, acted as the boutique ‘Katie Rose’ for the Sunshine Coast Hospice and lately as the 'Op Shop' for RangeCare.

MADCA supports the Garden Club which maintains the gardens surrounding the buildings. Currently MADCA is also responsible for the maintenance of the building. The Pavillon at the rear of the site overlooks one of the iconic Lilyponds and available to the community to use. It is a beautiful site suitable for small gatherings. To use the BBQ please contact MADCA by email:

...and more

In addition to the initiatives listed above the MADCA has:

  • lobbied for an upgrade to Mapleton Cemetery,
  • lobbied for the bitumen extension to Delicia Road,
  • ran a tourist information centre at The Old School House (TOSH) which was staffed by volunteers,
  • revamped the Mapleton brochure,
  • and advised on on the Mapleton Tramway centenary memorial, Lilyponds Park.